Popular attractions all over the world - Part III
Der Opel Zoo
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In the Opel-Zoo you can see many different animals for example giraffes or elephants. You can take a guided tour with the zookeepers, that is really cool! The zoo ist very exciting because there are many interesting animals. In the winter you can go there from 9am to 5pm. The zoo is open from 9am to 6pm and in June till August from 9am to 7pm. The prices are a bit expensive but it is worth it. For children between 3 and 14 years a ticket costs 9,50 Euro and for adults it is 17,00 Euros. The Opel-Zoo is in “Kronberg“ and the address is “Am Opel Zoo 3, Königsteinerstraße 35“. I think the Opel-Zoo is very cool and exciting because the animals are wonderful and the zoo is very big and there are many cool playgrounds, too.